Year parish was founded: 1988
What are the most interesting facts associated with the founding and history of the parish? St. Elizabeth’s was one of three parishes formed from St. Joseph’s, Ronkonkoma which had approximately 16,000 families registered at the time. Even after almost twenty years St. Elizabeth’s is often referred to as “one of the new parishes”. The people came together and rallied around the first Pastor, Fr. Patrick Whitney, to form a true faith community. Since there was no church building at the time, mass was celebrated in the lower chapel at the Cenacle Retreat House. The parish office space was contained in a renovated storage facility which was also on the grounds of the Cenacle. For the first mass in the new Church on Portion Rd. a procession took place from the Cenacle through the streets of Ronkonkoma. Each ministry marched, carrying a different banner which contained a symbol representing the parish mission statement. These banners were then placed in the sanctuary for the first Mass.
Is there anything unique about the location/geography of your parish? Because of its location on Portion Rd., which is a main east-west thoroughfare going through Ronkonkoma, many have said that the Church building brings a real Catholic presence to the community.
Does your parish have a motto? The words of Mother Seton: “Be children of the Church”, has been quoted many times.
What is your parish mission statement? Striving to make Jesus known, by our response to the Gospel, and guided by the Holy Spirit, the Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is committed to being a vibrant, worshiping family that reaches out in love and friendship to all of God’s people.
What year was the current church dedicated? 1991
Does your church have any statues, stained-glass windows, shrines, memorials, relics, religious artifacts that are unique, draw particular attention or have some historical significance? Stations of the Cross in the form of a ceramic mural located in the church.
Do you have a parish center, auditorium and/or gymnasium? Parish Hall beneath the church.
What are the annual or regularly-scheduled spiritual or social activities that highlight your parish’s calendar, such as feasts, devotions, festivals, theatrical plays, picnics, trips, pilgrimages, concerts? Italian Festival Party in October; New Year’s Eve Party; St. Patrick’s Party; Lenten Mission; Monthly Adoration; in order to increase our knowledge of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton the parish has sponsored several pilgrimages to the National Shrine of Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Has the parish or any group within the parish been cited by a religious or civil organization for any extraordinary accomplishments? The mortgage on the church building was paid off in a short amount of time!!!! The parish also received awards in 1998 and 1999 for achieving the highest percentage of goal in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal in the Central Vicariate.
Has the parish recently celebrated a significant anniversary or milestone? Is there a significant anniversary in the near future? The second pastor, Rev. Msgr. Daniel A. Picciano was assigned in June 2006. The parish is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Do you have a parish school? If so, what are the grades and how many children are enrolled? No, but our Religious Ed Program has over 1200 students –grades 1 through 8.